Explore Templates

List group

List groups are a flexible and powerful component for displaying a series of content.

Basic List

Set the active prop to indicate the list groups current active selection and set the disabled prop to prevent actions on a <ListGroup.Item>.

Regular list group item
Active list group item
Disabled list group item

Add the flush variant to remove outer borders and rounded corners to render list group items edge-to-edge in a parent container such as a Card.

Regular list group item
Active list group item
Disabled list group item
Contextual classes

Use contextual variants on <ListGroup.Item>s to style them with a stateful background and color.

This is a regular list group item
This is a primary list group item
This is a secondary list group item
This is a success list group item
This is a danger list group item
This is a warning list group item
This is a info list group item
This is a light list group item
This is a dark list group item
Contextual classes inverse

Use .list-group-inv .list-group-inv-* to change the appearance of list group items.

This is a regular list group item
This is a primary list group item
This is a secondary list group item
This is a success list group item
This is a danger list group item
This is a warning list group item
This is a info list group item

Use the horizontal prop to make the ListGroup render horizontally.There are responsive variants to horizontal: setting it to sm|md|lg|xl|xxl makes the list group horizontal starting at that breakpoint’s min-width.

An item
A second item
A third item
An item
A second item
A third item
An item
A second item
A third item
An item
A second item
A third item
An item
A second item
A third item
An item
A second item
A third item
With badges

Add badges to any list group item to show unread counts, activity, and more with the help of some flex utilities.

List group item one14
List group item two2
List group item three1
Actionable items

Toggle the action prop to create actionable list group items, with disabled, hover and active styles. List item actions will render a <button> or <a> (depending on the presence of an href) by default but can be overridden by setting the as prop as usual.

Link 1Link 2
Custom content

Add nearly any HTML within, even for linked list groups like the one below, with the help of flexbox utilities.

With icons

Add Icons with list groups

List group item one
List group item two
List group item three
List group item one12
List group item two10
List group item three1
With checkbox

Place Bootstrap’s checkboxes and radios within list group items and customize as needed.

Tabbed Interfaces

You can also use the Tab components to create ARIA compliant tabbable interfaces with the <ListGroup> component. Swap out the <Nav> component for the list group and you are good to go.

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Add the numbered prop to opt into numbered list group items. Numbers are generated via CSS (as opposed to a <ol>s default browser styling) for better placement inside list group items and to allow for better customization.

  1. Cras justo odio
  2. Cras justo odio
  3. Cras justo odio