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Data Tables

This is a our tailor-made hk-data-table based on react-bootstrap table.

Basic example

Add advanced interaction controls to Data tables like search, pagination etc. For responsive table just add the wrapperClasses="table-responsive" on <BootstrapTable />. View all options.

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For column sorting on table, you can add sort:true in Column.

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Default Search

Add advanced interaction controls to Data tables like search, pagination etc. For responsive table just add the wrapperClasses="table-responsive" on <BootstrapTable />. View all options.

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Custom Search

Add advanced interaction controls to Data tables like search, pagination etc. For responsive table just add the wrapperClasses="table-responsive" on <BootstrapTable />. View all options.

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Checkbox select

You can add check-box selection on table by adding a rowSelection props on <HkDataTable />

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Export Table

You can export your table as a pdf, csv and excel by adding a exports props in <HkDataTable />.

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