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A callout message is often positioned on a page to notify the user about something special.

Basic example

Check basic example of callout use .callout class with <Card>.

Session expiring

You have been gone for a while, we will log you out in 4m 15s unless you continue session to stay signed in.

Card img cap

Session expiring

You have been gone for a while, we will log you out in 4m 15s.

Close over

Use .close-over class with .callout.

Card img cap

Session expiring

You have been gone for a while, we will log you out in 4m 15s unless you continue session to stay signed in.

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Callout dark

Use .callout-dark class with .calloutclass.


Session expiring

You have been gone for a while, we will log you out in 4m 15s unless you continue session to stay signed in.

Callout floating

Use .callout-floating class with .callout and direction classes liketop-end,top-start.